The bedroom has 2 double beds. The bedroom has 2 double beds.The bedroom The bedroom2 double beds 2 double bedsA flat screen tv to watch. A flat screen tv to watch.Looking into the bedroom. Looking into the bedroom.Tub/shower combo Tub/shower comboEntrance EntranceSitting area in the lounge. Sitting area in the lounge.Sitting area in the lounge. Sitting area in the lounge.Endless sunshine. Endless sunshine.Welcome! Welcome!The staff awaits to greet you. The staff awaits to greet you.The walkway to the rooms. The walkway to the rooms.Heated inground pool! Heated inground pool!Heated inground pool! Heated inground pool!Cedarbrook Cedarbrook Inquire116 Cedarbrook Hotel Room4.6667 4.7 (6 Reviews)1 BR1 BA4 GuestsSearch AvailabilityFeatured AmenitiesHeated Outdoor Pool SharedInternetAir ConditioningFitness RoomTowels