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Winter Activities

The Killington Tubing Park is located at the Clubhouse on East Mountain Road across from the Killington Grand Resort Hotel and offers a multi-lane, lift-serviced good time for everyone.

Looking to warm up? Step inside for a pick-me-up at the Clubhouse Grill, where they serve pizzas, pub-style entrées, and hearty, warm snacks and drinks to round out the evening.

*Tubing Season Pass holders may make tubing session reservations at 800-621-MTNS, at the tubing park, or at any ticket window. Reservations may not be made more than five days in advance and space is limited. If you are unable to make your reserved time, please call to cancel. Upon arrival at the Tubing Park, head inside the Clubhouse to get a ticket for the reserved session; you must have a ticket before entering the tubing area.

**Tubing Park Peak dates: December 25, 2021 - January 2, 2022; January 15-17, 2022; February 19-21, 2022


  • Tubing sessions are 1 hour long, beginning every hour from opening.
  • Rates include tubing park access, tube rental, lift service, and applicable taxes.
  • All tubing participants must be at least 36" tall.
  • Groups of 12 or more can save 25% when pre-purchase; call 800-752-2005 or email for reservations.

View More Winter Activities in Killington, VT

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